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Título : Consciential Reality by Thosenic Reorganization
Autor : Vieira, Meire
Palabras clave : Self-deceit
Consciential reality;
Consciential recycling
Fecha de publicación : 2005
Editorial : Associação Internacional para a Evolução da Consciência – ARACÊ
Resumen : This paper shows how the fear to err, as well as self-deceit and personal resistances transform themselves in barriers to existential recycling. Also thosenic reorganization is here presented, along with assistantial mechanisms as pro-evolutive toais for existential recycling. The text concludes that the deep understanding of personal sentiments contributes to both self-reorganization and hetero-assistance.
Descripción : As long as the intraphysical consciousness knows about Conscientiology's leading-edge ideas and is ready for it, he or she manifests a tendency to think about the necessary self-reorganizations to be made to improve his or her evolutive productivity. This mechanism may lead to a reevaluation of concepts about errors and rightness, life conceptions and, specially, about the way consciousnesses position themselves before life and relationships.
URI : http://reposicons.org/jspui/handle/123456789/8754
ISSN : 1983-1331
Aparece en las colecciones: Ano 5 - N.5 - 2005

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