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Título: Trinomial Experience-Motivation-Priorities
Título(s) alternativo(s): Trinômio Experiência-Motivação-Prioridades
Trinomio Experiencia-Motivación-Prioridades
Autor(es): Medeiros, Rodrigo
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary technique
Intraconsciential recycling
Reciclagem intraconsciencial
Técnica evolutiva
Reciclaje intraconsciencial
Técnica evolutiva
Data do documento: Jul-2017
Editor: Associação Internacional do Centro de Altos Estudos da Conscienciologia
Resumo: The objective of this article is to present the trinomial experience-motivation-priorities and to explain its dynamics and how its elements work together. Among the hypotheses proposed is that a balance between those three elements can be conducive to personal growth, and that deliberately aiming to balance the three elements can have a positive amplifying effect on the consciousness evolution. The methodology adopted was the identification of patterns in a collection of experiences, observations, and reflections from conscientiology classes, self-research, and interactions with conscientiology students, volunteers, and researchers. Potential applications for the trinomial are proposed including a better understanding of the consciousness profile correlated to the second desoma.
Descrição: The proposed trinomial experience-motivation-priorities adds one element to the traditional motivationpriorities approach and proposes that all three elements (a) have interactions with one another and (b) can trigger one another.
ISSN: 1415-5125
Aparece nas coleções:Vol - 21 - N. 3 - 2017

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