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Título: Helper or Blind-guide Analysis of the Extraphysical Assistant During Penta
Título(s) alternativo(s): Amparador ou Guia Cego? Análise da Consciex Assistente na Tenepes
¿Amparador o Guía Ciego? Análisis de la Conciex Asistente en la Teneper
Autor(es): Krings, Muna
Palavras-chave: Consciential development
Extraphysical consciousness
Penta practitioner
Consciência extrafísica
Desenvolvimento consciencial
Conciencia extrafísica
Desarrollo conciencial
Data do documento: Abr-2011
Editor: Associação Internacional do Centro de Altos Estudos da Conscienciologia
Resumo: After practicing penta for 8 weeks the author analyzed if the extraphysical consciousness (epc) who linked up to her during penta sessions was a helper or a blind-guide. The investigation was performed by identifying a distinct psychic signal of the penta epc. Furthermore a list of characteristics and a list of thosenic imprints was established to distinguish helpers from blind-guides as well as a list of likely effects which a penta practitioner will experience, if penta is performed correctly over a longer period of time. Based on these lists the author made short-term and long-term observations and conducted tests to identify the characteristics of the penta epc. The test as well as long-term observation of her own consciential development led to the conclusion that the penta epc was indeed a helper. In addition several blind-guides were identified which accompanied the author at other occasions.
Descrição: In July 2010, the author started practicing penta. She was able to identify the linking up of an extraphysical consciousness (epc) as well as energetic exteriorization. After practicing penta for 8 weeks she started to investigate if the epc was a helper or a blind-guide.
ISSN: 1415-5125
Aparece nas coleções:Vol. 15 - N. 2 - 2011

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